ShigaDabi Big Bang 2022


Kei | He/They | 20
Head mod | Communications Mod
A full-time student, and a part-time dumbass.
Active on Twitter and Discord if you need to contact a mod! All typos are probably mine.
Modding experience:
Yuri!!! On Ice Big Bang
MomoJirou Big Bang

wendy | she/her | 18
artist mod
part-time jeandeavour truther, full-time all mights wife.
i like to write and draw the same 3 ships on rotation. high enough screentime that i should get back to you very quickly on twt or discord. love pink.
modding experience:
ginjima week, Longing: a Monoshin Zine, Omigiri exchange

Cat | he/him | 29+
beta mod
Full time gremlin, part time human. A simple creature enjoying the love between (one) Burnt Boi and (one) Crusty King.
modding experience:
Shigadabi Valentines Exchange,
Gofushi Big Bang, Sukufushi Big Bang,
Dabihub Big Bang, Todocest Big Bang

sky| they/them | 22
writer mod
Full time Into-The-Void Screamer, Part Time Tears of Themis Attorney (please save me).
Hiya! The name’s Sky (like the thing that has clouds and stuff!!) and I’m just happy to be here :-)
modding experience:
Dabi Big Bang 2021, AtsuKen Week 2021

Nicky | They/She | 23
Graphics Mod | social media mod
A part-time fic writer, and a full-time simp.
Almost always on Discord. Please dm with any rarepairs/headcanons if you need a hypeman.
Modding experience:
KiriBaku Fantasy Bang, Subzero Big Bang,
Sero Bang, Sk8 Big Bang,
MatchaBlossom Exchange


All dates close 11:59 PM PDT.

July 15 — August 15: Interest Check
August 1 — 21: Mod Apps

September 1: Contributor Sign-ups Open
October 1: Writer Sign-ups Close
October 7: Artist Sign-ups Close
October 14: Beta Sign-ups Close
October 31: Pinch Hitter Sign-ups Close

October 1: Summary Submissions Open
October 7: Summary Submissions Close
October 14: Summary Viewing Begins
October 21: Summary Selection Opens
October 25: Summary Selection Closes
October 31: Teams Announced

Creation Period
November 15: First Soft Check-In
December 1—4: First Hard Check-In
December 15: Second Soft Check-In
January 16—20: Second Hard Check-In
February 1: Third Soft Check-In
March 1—4: Third Hard Check-In
March 15: Fourth Soft Check-In
April 15—19: Fourth Hard Check-In
April 23: Last Day to Drop

Posting Period
April 15: Posting Date Claims Open
April 20: Posting Date Claims Close
April 25: Posting Schedule Released
April 15: Previews Begin
May 1: Posting Begins
May 15: Posting Ends
May 16—31: Extended Posting


What is a Big Bang?“A Big Bang (or “Bang” for short) is a type of challenge involving long fics and accompanying artwork. This is a reprise of the old zine tradition between collaborating artists and writers for internet fandoms.Creators will be paired into teams of writers, artists, and sometimes betas! The writer will create a new work for the event, and the artist will create accompanying artwork!Is this Bang open to all ages?No, this is an 18+ event. Sorry!What kind of content is allowed?Short answer, all content is allowed. However, you are responsible for adequately tagging your work for all potential warnings and triggers.Are poly ships allowed?Of course, so long as ShigaDabi is involved!I want to sign up with a friend as my artist or writer, can I?Yes! You will both need to sign up and both declare the other as your partner in the provided field.I’m just a reader, but can I join the Discord server?Yes! Our Discord will be open to cheerleaders.I don’t have a Discord account. I wish to communicate solely via email, Twitter, or Tumblr. Can I do that?No, sorry! All communication and check-ins will take place via Discord, so it’s necessary to have an account and join the server. Both an account and the app are free!


What are the minimum requirements for artists?TL;DR: At least one fully finished piece. What this means for you might look different, but...Our check-ins will be using sketch, line art, flat colors, and render/finish as our general guidelines of completion.However, if your art is non-traditional (meaning, not an illustration) or your art style/this particular piece doesn’t fit neatly into these benchmarks, don’t worry!
This is just a general guide.
What kind of art mediums are allowed?Both illustrative and non-traditional art! Writers will be able to specify what type of artwork they would like to receive.Types of non-traditional art suggested in our interest check includes (but is in no way limited to): animation, AMV (anime music video), comics, cosplay, edits, fic graphics, moodboards, playlists, and other non-illustrative art in traditional mediums.What are the minimum requirements for writers?Our minimum word count is 5,000 words.For multi-chaptered works, you do not have to post the entire fic all at once, but you must post at least 5k by your posting date. Ideally, we would hope that you are able to post up to the scene your companion art corresponds to.Can I participate with a sequel to a pre-existing work of mine?Yes, provided that it can be read as a stand alone, and that it has not been posted previously.Can I participate with a fic that I have already started or partially posted?No, sorry!


I don’t have an Ao3 account. Can I post a fic solely on social media?Every fic must be posted to Archive of Our Own so we can add it to the event’s collection. (Though you are allowed to post it to other sites in addition to Ao3, if you wish to!) If you need an invitation to join, you can get one directly on the site, or ask us for one.How do I credit my partners?Accompanying art must be embedded into the fic itself. Both your artist (and beta, if you have one!) must be appropriately credited with their name and a link to their social media.What about posting for artists, or posting on social media in general?Please post your works on Twitter and/or Tumblr! Use the hashtag #ShigaDabiBB2022 and please mention us in your post so that we can promote your lovely works!